“No man knew what she really was. And no man could resist her exotic beauty. A famous Russian spy, moving through the lives of men, in a maze of intrigue, passion and love. “
I just saw The Mysterious Lady starring Greta Garbo and Conrad Nagel, a splendid MGM production that originally opened in august of 1928. Here in Stockholm, Garbo’s hometown, it was released January 31st 1929. In my opinion it’s one of director Fred Niblo’s best works. Niblo is mostly known for his other Garbo movie - The Temptress, and even more so for Ben Hur with Ramon Novarro. The Mysterious Lady is beautifully photographed by William Daniels who did so many of the really stylish MGM productions during the late 20’s and early 30’s, The Kiss and Their Own Desire to name a few. The sets are naturally signed by MGM’s house designer, the magnificent Cedric Gibbons. The Mysterios Lady is more or less a run of the mill MGM production of 1928 with the exception that it was MGM’s first movie to be released with a synchronized score. MGM was the last of the big studios to be wired for sound. Some say The Mysterious Lady served as a blueprint for Mata Hari which is basically the same story.

As a whole, The Mysterious Lady is a treat indeed, very nice camera work and an all over lush feeling about it. The print I have access to is frightfully scratchy at times. I guess this is the Turner “restored” version. Well, they certainly didn’t overdo it this time. To be honest, I find it hard to spot any signs of restoration at all apart from the music. The new soundtrack by Vivek Maddala is quite pleasing, but I must make one remark. When Conrad and Greta meet at the opera, the performance they attend seems to be Puccini's Tosca. Good choice, it makes sense to the plot. I think adding some Puccini music would have been appropriate. It could have added further to the story. Conrad is repeatedly playing tunes from the Opera throughout the movie, first at Garbo's home and later at the reception when he's an undercover musician. We even get to see a glimpse of sheet music from the opera in those scenes. The theme is love and betrayal, in the Opera as well as in the movie. Furthermore, the Puccini music lies in the public domain and could be used without restrictions. I don’t know whether the original score included any Puccini music. It would have been great to have the original score as an option but maybe it didn’t survive to our times. Luckily the movie did.
Let's try a few scenes with some music from the second act of Puccini's Tosca. I think it works really well.
Excellent blog. I am familiar with your You Tube material and discovered the blog while browsing there. I will be sure to check in from time to time to check out your latest postings.
Hi Blakie,
Thank You! You're welcome!
I will also use this blog to give a somewhat fuller story to some of my YouTube clips.
I am SO watching this film. I love that image of Greta Garbo in front of the Caesar bust. Like you, I love finding historical and literary references in films!
Yes, It's sad most people don't have the patience (or knowledge) to fully understand a silent drama today.
hello, thank you for this information, it will be important for a work i have to do for cinema school. by the way, i found vivek's score amazing, specially the sad-jazzy tune Conrad's playing in the first time we see him in his mission. so, i've tried to find the soundtrack in the internet, but there seems to be no cd available. do you know where i might find it? thanks
Thanks! But why don't you just buy the DVD? It has Vivek's score all over it! :)
This has to be my favorite silent Garbo film.
Conrad Nagel is so dreamy next to Garbo.
I love how in the publicity shots of Garbo, this movie looks very modern. From the hair and the make-up, this film could have passed as one of Garbo's films from the 1930's.
I enjoyed the plot very much too.
Do you have something against the way Miss Garbo "poses rather than acts?" I think that's a great quality in her and what set her apart.
Garbo can feel the light and she understood how movie cameras and how slow frame rates worked...she instinctively made sure that her emotion registers on film.
I can get very sensitive and defensive when it comes to Garbo.
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